December 2024
Dear Parents, Caregivers, and the School Community,
As the year draws to a close, I’d like to take this opportunity to reflect on an incredibly busy and productive term, filled with remarkable achievements and memorable moments.
One of the standout highlights this term was our Annual Art Exhibition, which was incredibly well-received, with record attendance! A heartfelt thank you goes to Karli, Michelle, and their wonderful team for making this event such a success. It was truly heartwarming to share in the celebration and witness the pride our students felt as they showcased their artwork. The new Christmas decorations, crafted from recycled bottle tops, were a massive hit, and the multi-layered cactus clay ornaments were stunning. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event so special.
This term has also seen our students continue to excel in their learning, with excursions, incursions, and work experience opportunities providing rich and engaging experiences. These moments allow our students to apply their skills in real-world settings, preparing them for future success.
Behind the scenes, we are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated and talented staff team. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Jennifer Catten, who has been covering the Manager Corporate Services (MCS) role for most of the year. Jennifer’s support has been invaluable to the whole school community. A big thank you also goes to Fiona Butler, our Human Resources Officer for the past 9 years, who has been an integral part of our team. Fiona will be leaving us for a new position at Hampton Senior High School, and we wish her every success in her new role.
As we look ahead to some changes in our team, we also bid farewell to several staff members who are moving on to new adventures.
• Nick Janes and wife Soraya are relocating to Thailand, embracing an exciting new chapter.
• Emma Dal Busco will be joining Eglinton Primary School, much closer to her home.
• Tim Kerr is taking up a position at Dianella Secondary College.
• Katherine Sadalva and Kristy Brown will both be taking 12 months of leave, each with exciting plans for the year ahead.
We thank each of these teachers for their dedication to our school and students and wish them all the very best.
Additionally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Deputy Principals Tania Muller and Heath Bradley. Tania, who has led the Early Years with passion and care, who has been on loan from SSEND (School of Special Educational Disability) is returning to her full-time consult role, while Heath, after eight years of service at Durham Road School, will step into the Principal role at Sir David Brand School. Their leadership has been instrumental, and they will be deeply missed.
As we wrap up the year, please note that student reports, 2025 class introduction letters, and personal items lists will be sent home this week. If you have not received these by Monday, 9th December, please contact the front office, and we will ensure you receive the necessary documents.
Thank you all for your ongoing support throughout the year. I wish you and your families a safe and joyous festive season filled with laughter, rest, and cherished time together. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year for another exciting chapter in our journey.
Warm regards,
Ellen McAllister
From The Leadership Team
Secondary: With the year winding down Secondary have been ultra busy engaging in multiple sports carnivals and activities, having our Art Exhibition and of course practicing for graduation.
Keeping active has been a high priority, obviously everyone wants to be fit for the holidays ahead. We had teams compete in the Kalability Basketball Carnival and everyone who attended played hard and represented the school to the highest levels. The team had some hard-fought games and acquitted themselves very well.
Swan District Football Club came out and ran a football clinic with our students. Jorja from Swans had everyone engaged and working well and the students had a great time learning new skills and honing existing ones.
We also had students attend an “All Abilities Gala” hosted by Rugby WA. This was essentially a come and try day where our students got to participate in several sports in a “come and try” type of arrangement. The sports involved were Rugby, Soccer, Hockey and Rowing (albeit land based using rowing machines). The students had a great time rotating through the different activities and got a real taste of what each sport was about.
Sensorium have just completed their Oddysea Collaboration Project with the school. This involved staff attending several after school sessions providing them with guidelines and professional learning on how to integrate the key concepts into class programs. Part of this also involved helping staff to set up class activities to create art works that would then be used in the production. Everyone had a great time and thought the show and interactive elements of the program where amazing and an unqualified success.
On Thursday we had our annual Art Exhibition. It was amazing to see what the students could create and the quality of the work they produced. The Artwork is always of such a high standard, I really am in awe of how much they can do. A massive thank you must go to Karli and Michelle for all the work they put in getting ready for the evening.
Lastly, we had our Secondary Graduation on Tuesday the 3rd of December. It was a brilliant day, and the graduating students all enjoyed themselves and had a great time not only at the Ceremony but also at the luncheon afterwards. We are very proud of our Leavers, and it would be remiss if we did not thank the special guests, parents included, who contributed so much to making the day so memorable. I must also thank the class teachers for the speeches and pictures and Justine for all the hours spent organising absolutely everything and making sure it ran so seamlessly. Thank you.
Primary: Time has flown by, and we have arrived at the end of 2024! The primary phase has had a productive year working towards the students' educational goals.
On Friday 6th December, we held the Primary Graduation Ceremony to celebrate 9 students moving to year 7 (high school) next year. Thank you to the special guests who came to celebrate our students, the staff for all of the preparation that goes in to making the morning so fantastic, as well as parents, carers and family members for attending to support the students.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all families the best for the holiday period. I hope everyone stays safe, has an opportunity to relax and recharge, and I look forward to working with families and the students in 2025.
Early Years: As we approach the end of another wonderful year at Durham Road School, we reflect on the incredible journey our students have taken. This year has been filled with growth, learning and enjoyment.
Our students have made progress in their individual academic and personal development. We are proud of their achievements and the hard work they have put in. You should have received your child's report by now. I hope you are proud of their hard work and achievements. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the school.
In the classroom, our dedicated teachers have created a nurturing and stimulating environment. Through hands-on learning and personalised support, students have explored new concepts and developed a love for learning.
As we look forward to the new year, we are excited about the opportunities and learning experiences that await. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our students, parents, staff, and community members for making this year so special. We hope you all enjoy the change of pace and summer break.
Satellite: I can hardly believe that we are already in the final week of school! What a year it has been. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all parents, guardians, and caregivers for your ongoing support throughout the year. Last week's final assembly was a wonderful reflection of this, with many parents attending. Congratulations to not only the reward recipients, but all students for a successful year. As a team, the staff are incredibly proud of all our students and the progress they’ve made. The reports were a joy to read, showcasing their continued growth, hard work, and achievements.
A big congratulations to Daniyal, the Year 6 2025 Student Councillor.
To our graduating students, we wish you all the best as you transition to high school. We look forward to hearing about all your future successes!
The Satellite staff hope you have a wonderful, safe, and relaxing Christmas break with your loved ones.
Student Services: Welcome to the final newsletter of 2024.
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the outstanding commitment and dedication to professional development that has been demonstrated by our staff this year. Across all teams, including relief staff, we've seen active engagement in a wide array of training opportunities aimed at both enhancing knowledge and improving skills to better serve our students.
Teaching and Learning
This year, we offered a broad range of professional development opportunities in the areas of teaching, learning, and support:
- Pragmatic Organisational Dynamic Display (PODD) Modules 1-4 (with workbooks and online training videos) covering:
- Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and PODD
- Core Vocabulary (PODD)
- PODD Pathways and Expressive Communication
- Alternative Access and Electronic PODD
- AAC & PODD troubleshooting session.
- Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy - focusing on AAC and how to use it during shared reading.
- Team Teach (held each term)- Providing tailored training involving risk and restrictive practice reduction, de-escalation and positive behaviour support.
- Wheelchair cues training – how to effectively communicate with Blind and vision impaired students when moving them in their wheelchair.
- Introduction to Key Word Sign (x2)
- Eye-Gaze Training and Grid 3 (with comprehensive resources)
- Boardmaker x2 – a symbol-based teaching tool and communication platform that helps special education teachers, speech pathologists, and other professionals create and deliver customized visual supports and therapy activities.
- Roadmap of Communication Competence (ROCC) assessment for understanding student’s communication competencies.
- School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory training x2, including:
- Teaching students who are blind or have vision impairment
- Teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing
- In the Zone Training – A sensory profile for students.
- Multi-Sensory Room Induction x3
- Switch Adapting Toys Workshop – how to turn push button toys into switch adapted toys.
- Switching training – how to set up and use various types of switches for students.
- EpiPen and First Aid Training
Personal Care in School
In addition to teaching-related development, there was a strong focus on personal care and safety:
- Manual Handling x3
- Introduction to Dysphagia (both in person and online)
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) and Oral Suctioning x4
- Stoma care training x2
- Seizure management training x 2
What an incredibly productive and informative year we’ve had! None of this would have been possible without the enthusiasm and professionalism of everyone involved. A huge thank you to all staff members who not only went above and beyond to deliver high-quality training but also to those who actively participated in these sessions.
Kind Regards,
Susan Moran and Tania Muller (Early Years)
Simon Hume (Primary)
Sharon Peach (Student Services and Operations)
Cassie Camacho (Satellite)
Heath Bradley (Secondary)
Room 30 has had a busy and exciting term! We presented our class assembly, themed around ocean, and performed a song to Ocean Jam. Some of our students have started their transition to Embleton Primary School in the Satellite Program for next year. It has been incredible to watch all the students learn and grow throughout the year. Wishing everyone a safe and joyful holiday season!

Room 18
This term, Room 18 commemorated Remembrance Day on the 11th of November by creating a craft poppy. Students used various art techniques and materials to create their own poppy. Fantastic effort everyone!

Room 19
Hello Durham Road School Community!
Here we are at the end of another very busy term! One highlight was our participation in the Lego League tournament. During the semester, Room 19 students practiced building with Lego, creating cars, trains and boats based on plans and exploring their creativity in free-building sessions. For the Lego League tournament, they worked with staff to meet the criteria of linking their creation to Art and including a moving part. Together they built a paint palette with spinning paint brushes, an outstanding achievement by everyone in class!
Wishing everyone happy and safe holidays!

Room 20
Term 4 was a whirlwind in Room 20! In class we have been learning about the water cycle, the different forms of water, and land and sea animals. We have also been preparing for the Year 6 graduation ceremony and holiday period by making lots of seasonal arts and crafts! All the students have grown so much this year, and they brought so much enthusiasm, energy and fun each day, making 2024 incredibly enjoyable for everyone in Room 20.
Room 22
With the beautiful weather upon us, Room 22 students have enjoyed outdoor play, making use of the Liberty Swing, primary playground, and undercover area. In HASS, students have laughed with excitement playing old school yard games like musical statues, what’s the time, Mr Wolf? and hide-and-seek.
The recent Sensorium incursion was an unforgettable experience for students as they were taken on a mesmerising sensory journey to the sea, complete with live performers, colourful characters, captivating music, shimmering light shows, and hands-on exploration of beach themed objects and textures.
As the year quickly draws to a close, the festive season is in full swing. Students are busily creating beautiful Christmas crafts, listening to their favourite holiday songs, and enjoying stories that celebrate the magic of Christmas and the holidays.

Room 23
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Room 23 would like to thank you for all the help and support we have received this term. Our students have been working hard to finish their IEP goals and having fun at the same time. We have put up the Christmas tree and have started making Christmas art and craft items.
We went to the zoo in week 2 and saw some interesting animals, the giraffe was a favourite. Our Shared Reading sessions have been great practice with writing, reading, and listening to texts. The Sensorium incursion during art week was well received by both students and staff with a ‘beach’ theme. We hope you all have a fantastic break.

Room 24
What a year it has been! All of us in Room 24, staff and students have had such a fun and fulfilling year. We’ve loved spending time with each other, building friendships, learning and growing together. Farewell and best wishes to our graduating students Charles, Corey and Tristan. Wishing everyone a happy, safe and merry holidays!

Room 28
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner.
The students in Room 28 have been busy creating some amazing Christmas art and craft pieces to decorate the classroom. Over the past few weeks, the students have been busy making a range of craft works and their artistic creations have been amazing! Using a range of craft materials, they have made jellyfish, flowers, Christmas trees and wind catchers to name a few of the different craft pieces the students have made. All the students should be immensely proud of their art and craft achievements.
Throughout this term, the students have been participating in a cooking program focussing on perfecting pancakes, muffins, and cheesy garlic bread. The cheesy garlic bread is by far, the favourite by both the students and the staff!
All staff from Room 28 wish all the parents and carers a fantastic Christmas break and a wonderful New Year.

Satellite 3
Term Four has been a very busy and enjoyable period for Satellite Three students and staff. The students have worked hard on their core subjects, producing some fantastic work! They have also had time to enjoy some co-curricular activities, such as excursions to Perth Zoo and His Majesty's Theatre to watch the Western Australian Ballet's rendition of Sleeping Beauty. Satellite Three students have also spent time practicing their End of Year Awards dance routine with Years Three and Four classes at Embleton Primary School.
Satellite 4
Term 4 has been a very busy and exciting term for the Satellite 4 class.
The Year 6 students spent three exciting days at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp. They had a great time participating in various team-building activities such as ultimate sport and beach games. The students also tried their hand at archery and had an exhilarating experience on the flying fox. It was a fun-filled three days that allowed everyone to create lasting memories with their peers.
This term, the Colour Run was a huge success! The students had a great time getting covered in vibrant colours.
The Satellite 3 and 4 classes had the opportunity to visit the Perth Zoo. The trip was both fun and educational, with the students exploring the African Savannah, Asian Rainforest, and the Nocturnal House. They got up close with a variety of fascinating animals, including the lions, bilbies, rhinos and sun bears. The size of the tortoises left many of the students in awe!
The highlight of the term was the Year 6 Graduation Ceremony, which was a beautiful celebration of the students' hard work and accomplishments. Both Satellite 4 and Embleton Year 6 students put in tremendous effort in preparing for this special occasion. The ceremony was a great success, attended by proud family members and friends. Everyone looked their best in formal attire, and the graduates walked away with a sense of pride and excitement for their high school journey.
Satellite 4 wishes everyone a safe and happy Christmas and a relaxing break.

Kaya and welcome to our final newsletter of the year. It is warming up and we are now in the season Birak, which is represented by the colour red as fire, heat and sun. It will be a warm end to the year and let’s hope it’s not too hot. The Arts have been very busy this term with Sensorium Theatre introducing the senior classes to some wonderful sensory theatre, which was thoroughly enjoyed by most. We have also held another very successful art exhibition, which showcased all of the wonderful work achieved by the senior arts and enterprise students.
What a fantastic year we have had in arts and enterprise. I am extremely proud of all of our students and extremely grateful for our team that teach them. Happy holidays to all and I look forward to continuing the arts and enterprise program next year.

Family Liaison Officers
The Australian Government School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is offering free home internet for eligible families with school-aged students until 31 December 2025.
To be eligible, families must:
• have no active broadband service
• have a device capable of accessing the internet
• live in premises where they can access a standard NBN service
• have a child living at home who is enrolled in an Australian school.
The free broadband starts from the day the service is activated with a participating internet provider. Families will not be placed on a paid service by the internet provider at the end of the free service without consent.
For more information and a list of participating internet providers, visit NBN Co School Student Broadband Initiative or call 1800 626 269.
If you think you are eligible and want to self-nominate for the free broadband offer:
• call the National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 (Monday to Friday, 10 am to 6 pm Australian Eastern Daylight-saving Time)
• visit the School Student Broadband Initiative website.
For technical support in more than 100 regional and remote communities throughout Western Australia, contact your local Community Resource Centre.
Eligible families will be issued with a unique voucher which they can redeem with one of the participating internet providers. The free service begins when the service is activated.
Workplace Learning
As another school year draws to a close many of us are surprised to see just how long the Christmas holidays are this year, 13 December to 2nd February for students!
With such a long period together, it is a great time for families to enjoy activities whilst also preparing children for their futures beyond school. Some ideas for activities include:
- Develop public transport skills: Most students will travel to and from work experience placements or employment on trains or buses. Becoming familiar with these modes of transport early on is a great advantage. Students can develop confidence in using a SmartRider, reading timetables, sitting quietly on buses and trains, asking for help, caring for their belongings and carrying identification. Describing their surroundings in each place can help students if they ever get lost. Finally, if your child has a mobile phone, practicing using Google Maps and the TransPerth Journey Planner can give an added layer of safety and independence.
These holidays, families can use this opportunity to explore the new Ellenbrook line that opened on 9th December. Other ideas would be to visit Perth Library to read some books, Midland Gate Shopping Centre to go to a movie, Fremantle to have hot chips, Perth to go on a ferry or Mandurah just to go on a long train trip.
- Develop quiet leisure skills: Another skill students require to get a work placement or job is the ability to entertain themselves at break times. Trips to the library to find books and magazines of interest, quiet puzzles and games can all help students develop these beneficial skills.
- Develop fine motor skills: Many of the tasks students undertake at work experience require fine motor skills such as labelling international foods with stickers, winding headphone cords for airlines or packing library or show bags with small items. Undertaking craft activities, using Lego or playing board games can assist students in developing their fine motor skills and attention to detail.
- Develop stamina: It is often quite a shock to students when they start work experience that they are required to work for periods of up to two hours without a break or a rewards. Undertaking activities on the holidays that keep students busy, such as going for walks or bike rides or playing sports can assist in students developing their stamina. There are quite a few clubs offering all abilities sport opportunities around Perth, as well as community events such as Park Runs that are open to whole families to join in, no matter their fitness level.
With such a long Christmas break, we hope you find many opportunities to enjoy family time together.